t  e  a  c  h  i  n  g
V  S   1  1  5     2  D  M  B     D  e  s  i  g  n                                                                                                            F  a  l  l    2 0 0 6
B o s t o n    A r c h i t e c t u r a l   C o l l e g e                                                                                                                     B A C
1. Purpose
The course offers a practical framework for understanding the role of perspective representation in design. Through a series of lectures and exercises, it provides the necessary technical skills for mastering the perspective graphic representation and its use for creative purposes, in the studio. The broader aim of the class is to enable students to use the perspective, together with all the other design techniques, as an expressive tool in their studio. Emphasis is given on the relationship between plan-section-elevation and perspective. The course introduces ways to approach architectural space through perspective. It offers historical background and design examples associated with the use of perspective in design.

2. Content
The course is taught in two parts. The first part is a comprehensive introduction to perspective: one, two and three point perspective, perception of depth, standing point, picture plane, horizon line, relationship to plan-section-elevation, relationship to axonometric, Geometry and texture in perspective, etc. The second part focuses on in-class practice and the construction of different perspective views of designs, exterior or interior. The content of the in-class discussion includes analysis of a collection of perspective sketches, mainly from famous architects like Le Corbusier, F. L. Wright etc. It exposes the students to the ways these architects use perspective in their design process

3. Outcome
The course enables students to understand the function of perspective in creative architectural practice. At the end, the students will have the practical skills to use perspective representation in their design process. The course is an important source of knowledge to those who want to develop a foundation in 3D representation, rendering etc. Finally, the course identifies in a practical way the basic concepts of the technical issues of perspective representation.

4. Weekly assignments
Weekly homework assignments are relevant to the topics that are discussed in class that week. Assignments involve the execution of drawings. The students must follow the specific guidelines given for each asignment. Relevant examples are usually worked out in the class prior to the homework assignments. 

6. Schedule

7. Assignments
c u r i c u l u m   v i t a e